Norwegian goat cheese. Now there's cheese. It's fun to say: Gjetost. It's fun to ask for in the grocery store: you feel like you're in the Monty Python cheese shop sketch. And when you find some place that actually carries it, it's very good to eat.
Not only am I a retired lingusit, I occasionaly make cheese. Only one kind of cheese has come out exactly like the stuff one can buy and that is Camembert. My Swiss cheese comes out with few holes and doesn't taste at all like Swiss cheese. However, it is always delicious anyway. My "ingredients lady" says the wheel has to be fairly large to get holds. I was working in that direction and then got distracted. Now I am busy blogging.
Wow, thanks, hat!! I hope to keep it going semi-regularly, but we'll see; I know what you mean about the near-sphere. See you around the net.
Norwegian goat cheese. Now there's cheese. It's fun to say: Gjetost. It's fun to ask for in the grocery store: you feel like you're in the Monty Python cheese shop sketch. And when you find some place that actually carries it, it's very good to eat.
And words are good too.
yeh, gjetost is pretty special, all right. I'm a wuss w/r to gjetost myself, but my guy Art is a big fan. it's intense...
Not only am I a retired lingusit, I occasionaly make cheese. Only one kind of cheese has come out exactly like the stuff one can buy and that is Camembert. My Swiss cheese comes out with few holes and doesn't taste at all like Swiss cheese. However, it is always delicious anyway. My "ingredients lady" says the wheel has to be fairly large to get holds. I was working in that direction and then got distracted. Now I am busy blogging.
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